
Two weeks ago, I caught up with some close friends from college over coffee and dessert. These are the same girls I will be traveling to...

Two weeks ago, I caught up with some close friends from college over coffee and dessert. These are the same girls I will be traveling to Boracay (again) with in the coming month. Not that we were able to plan out our trip when we met up (puro chikahan lang nangyari), but it was definitely good seeing them after a long time. Now I’m even more excited for our vacation!

It was a Friday when we met up and my workout schedule is actually M-W-F. This meant that I came from training before I went to meet them. As such, my post-workout-going-out outfit of choice was something that was easy to throw on. A good oversized top (almost like a dress) and the “Coat of Texaco” from Copper.

As usual, I could not wait to take my new find from Copper out for a spin. I have been looking for a coat or button down that is somewhat military inspired—and I finally have one! I swear, that online shop has everything trendy. Remember that I got my first pair of printed leggings from them? I’ve never regretted a purchase from them!

Going back to the outfit, since I practically built the whole look around the military inspired jacket, I decided to stick to earth tones for the total outfit. As such, whipping out my fringed wedge boots seemed like the perfect footwear of choice for this look. To go even more earthy with the look, I went with a leopard printed bottom to serve as a “just in case” the oversized top wasn’t long enough—which it wasn’t.

I absolutely love how this whole look turned out! It’s edgy but it still has that put-together feminine style that people seem to tell me is my style. Tell me what you think!

Also, this is one of the last few looks you’ll be seeing my long, curly locks. If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, you’d know that I recently got a major haircut and my hair is now much, much shorter. YES, I FINALLY TOOK THE PLUNGE! But more on that next time ;)

Copper jacket | Chick Flick shoes | House Of Luxe wings ring


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  1. Loving this whole outfit! I need those shoes!

  2. Nice wedges!

  3. Lovely out fit =)

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  4. I LOVE IT! Most definitely something I would wear. I also have this military jacket that's all decked-out and I wear it everywhere and ALL THE TIME. I swear my mother sighs now whenever I wear it, but I can't help itt!!! Haha


  5. Thanks, CJ! Haha this is officially my first military jacket and I definitely find myself always reaching for it more often than I'm supposed to :p It really is a character on its own, I love it.

  6. Thank you, Yomi :)

  7. Aww, thanks Chami!

  8. Thanks, Aly! The shoes were definitely love at first sight.


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