Huh? What Color?

Please excuse the tired look. The following photos were taken after I did a couple of laps in the pool while my godson was in his swimmin...

Please excuse the tired look. The following photos were taken after I did a couple of laps in the pool while my godson was in his swimming class. But anyway, this is the look that I showed you a photo peek of in one of my previous posts. And as I was saying there, I believe we still have a couple of days left to maximize the fun in dressing up in colors before we all pull out our rain coats.

DIY yellow shorts; Mi Lujuria boots

I was really just down with the blues (and feeling very sick), so I decided to play with some bright hues. See how I managed to rhyme there? Haha! This is the craziest I have ever gone in terms of color blocking - it's color blocking to the nines! There really is no two pieces in the same shade in this look. Even my nails aren't the same shade of brown as my boots, nor is my Island Girl necklace, which I used as a bracelet, the same shade as my belt. Being someone who isn't so used to dressing up in so much color, I think this worked out pretty well. I might even be getting the hang of it! :)

Mauve square bangles; Island Girl necklace (used as bracelet)
Bubbles tassel necklace; YRYS belt
Chick Flick blazer; Closet Chic corset

Have you tried the color blocking trend? How many was the most number of colors you used? :)
♥ Megann

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  1. Haven't tried color blocking yet, afraid that I might screw my outfit! Haha! But I do love your outfit! So colorful! =)

    Btw, loving the blazer! =D

  2. Adore this bright color blocking outfit!
    The bright, warm colors are just gorgeous. I especially love that teal blazer ;)

    Trendy Teal

  3. I LOVE YOUR BLAZER 'TE!!!!!! <3

  4. AHHH Your blazer's just so lovely!! O.o I really have to browse on Chick Flick now! :p You look extra gorgeous with these colors, babe! Bagay talaga ♥


  5. hello!
    I love the colors of your outfit! very happy! :D

    kisses from:


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