Toothsome Thursday: Recipes Favorites

Just taking a quick break from the outfit shots to bring you some drool-worthy food from Recipes, a restaurant that serves Filipino comfort ...

Just taking a quick break from the outfit shots to bring you some drool-worthy food from Recipes, a restaurant that serves Filipino comfort food - perfect for those days when you just don't know where to eat and would rather not battle with the "kahit saan (anywhere)" or "kayo bahala (you decide)" dilemma that seems to never get resolved.

No restaurant review, but you can read about my past experiences with Recipes here and here. You can, however, be assured that their food is excellent! That's the reason why I'm already on my third post about them and I never get tired!

Have a filling Thursday (even though it technically is Friday already here :p)!
♥ Megann

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  1. OMG everything looks so good! I'm getting hungry just looking at them.



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