Photo Flashbacks

[Off topic] I'd like to thank everyone who commented (and commended :D) the works I posted in my previous post . I'm actually thinki...

[Off topic] I'd like to thank everyone who commented (and commended :D) the works I posted in my previous post. I'm actually thinking if I should start doing some freelance designing. Maybe? But I'm not so sure if anyone would be interested. So if I were to start, would you maybe like my style? Heehee. [/ Off topic]

So in this post, I talked about attending a 4-day leadership seminar headed by SLIFE (Student Leadership Involvement, Formation and Empowerment), and I just recently I happened to find a few photos during the seminar. So let me just share them with you guys. There ought to be more fun pictures, but I don't think they've been uploaded (or I just haven't found them yet, haha).

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