Colors for Work

How do you shop? I always wonder how others are able to narrow down their choices with so many options available in the market. Aside fr...

How do you shop? I always wonder how others are able to narrow down their choices with so many options available in the market. Aside from having a specific price range for the products you want to buy, what else do you do?

Personally, when it comes to fashion pieces, I further narrow down my choices by styling them in my head. I would think about the clothes I already own and see how this potential purchase will fit into my wardrobe. I have been guilty of impulse buying countless times before and I am slowly learning to get a good look at the product first before giving in to swiping the credit card (not that I have one, though, but it just seemed like a fitting phrase LOL). For this improvement, I give myself a pat on the back!

Ring from Girlshoppe | Skirt from Metro ATC

However, there are times when I can’t help myself. I am, after all, only 22 and I still consider this a good age to experiment with fashion and style. I suppose compared to 3 years ago when I started blogging, the only difference now is the environment I am in. I used to be more bold and crazy, but now I’d like to say I’ve toned down. I’ve lessened the arm candy and have definitely toned down to wearing only 1-2 ring(s) at a time. Remember when multiple chunky rings was a thing not so long ago? ;)

Now I find myself reaching for more structured pieces – sometimes still bold, but more flattering. I feel like I am really finding the tone of my personal style. This, by far, has been the most ‘me’ I’ve felt when it comes to dressing up. It’s still a work in progress to filter out the crazy in me. But I have learned to balance things out. Not only am I better at only buying things I am sure I will use, but I definitely take into consideration how I can also incorporate it into my work wear wardrobe, if possible.

The bright printed palm skirt I use in this post is perfect for nights out or for trips to the mall. To tone it down, I chose one color from the skirt (orange) and picked a solid colored piece in a darker shade like this top from Alla Moda Thrift Shop. In this way, despite the bright colors, I was able to make the look work-appropriate. Add a black blazer if you aren’t allowed to wear sleeveless at work. You can read more about Alla Moda Thrift Shop in my previous post: Santa's Helper.

Top from Alla Moda Thrift Shop | Heels from Chick Flick

How is your shopping process now different from two years ago? Have you ever been guilty of impulse buying (don’t lie to me :p)?


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  1. OMG!!! I love the Peplum Top and the 'V' detail at the back. It really suits you plus those Pumps are to die for. xo

  2. Aww, thank you Dalton! :)


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