Waiting for that one good call to turn things around

Life has definitely been throwing huge rocks at me since the last week of July. I have faced several challenges that have left me to ques...

Life has definitely been throwing huge rocks at me since the last week of July. I have faced several challenges that have left me to question certain decisions I made. I have been told that whenever girls are “going through something”, they tend to take it out on their hair. While I have been deciding on getting my hair cut short for more than a year now, I suppose what really pushed me to finally say GO FOR IT was the fact that I needed to know that there are still things in my life I can control without fate going against it.

I admit, most of the time, I’d rather sleep problems away in hopes of getting a clear mind the next day. Unfortunately, problems are never solved that way. I’ve been feeling lost for quite a while now and it’s not similar to any feelings of confusion I’ve ever felt before.

Sometimes, we try to make a huge change in our life thinking that we are ready for it because we want to be a step closer to a vague goal. We take steps without knowing where we exactly want to end up. I am only realizing now that I don’t have any concrete plans as to what I want to do with my life. It could be a result of all the expectation the people around me have of me. I have always wanted to be a novelist, but it is a dream that feels too farfetched especially with the opportunities that are available for a writer around here.

To be honest, my dreams have been clouded by capitalist thoughts. I need to make money and I have to save up. It isn’t necessarily bad. I mean, I’m only really thinking about my future. However, it can be really chaotic inside my head that it gets unhealthy.

Copper jacket & skirt | SM Department Store shoes

I suppose some people do come to a point in their life where they realize that they already have to make a decision that will completely define how the next couple of years will turn out—and it’s a scary thought. I am a work in progress and I have been making mistakes. I just hope that even in the sea of mistakes I seem to be making, there is one good call that will turn everything around.


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