Tatt Awards Night 2013

Last night, I attended the Tatt Awards 2013, which was held at Manila Peninsula. Most of the pictures you will be able to find on my Instagr...

Last night, I attended the Tatt Awards 2013, which was held at Manila Peninsula. Most of the pictures you will be able to find on my Instagram account. However, for those who aren't following me (yet), here are some of them.

If you don't know it yet, Tatt Awards is a ground breaking avenue that recognizes individuals who share Tattoo's fiery passion for greatness, founded on individuality and a sincere interest to lead by sharing with others. As such, Tattoo has gathered together some of Philippine social media's biggest influencers to honor those who have made use of social media in a positive and proactive way.

I'm actually very thankful that I got into the business of social media after graduating because I didn't really know how much power social media holds. Everyday, there is always something to learn, something to watch, and something to share. And with the way social media is rapidly growing, we should also adapt to it and be more cautious of what we post or say online.

With that, I'd like to congratulate all the winners of this year's Tatt Awards (most especially to blogger friends, David Guison for Best Style Blog, and Angel Rodriguez and the rest of When In Manila for Best Photo Blog)! You all are truly deserving and have made social media much more interesting and engaging. You can now see the names of the winners awarded on the official Tatt Awards 2013 website.

Expect to see what I wore to the event on my next post! 'Til then!


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