Tips & Tricks: Do you really commute in those clothes?

Here I am with another Work Wear  post for you. This time, I'm sharing with you some of the tips and tricks I've learned through ...

Here I am with another Work Wear post for you. This time, I'm sharing with you some of the tips and tricks I've learned through the years I have commuted to work. A lot of you may not know that I don't always get to bring the car everywhere I go, so, contrary to popular belief, I'm like everyone else and I fight the daily battles of a commuter, too! From the long lines at the station, to seats on the bus that barely fit two people (more like 1 person and half a butt), to the endless walking/crossing/running.

As a style blogger, one of the biggest questions I get in line with this is: Do you really commute in those clothes?

To be brief, I do commute in these clothes but I make my outfit commute-friendly. I'll explain through the tips.

So here are some things you will find helpful when commuting in style (based on my experience):

#1: Don't. You don't need to and should not commute in style. It'll only attract attention and not the kind you'd want.
#2: Bring a cover-up of any kind. This will save you from freezing since some buses like JayRoss actually have a pretty decent airconditioning system. Haha! Also, this is useful when you're wearing sleeveless or something more revealing (which I hope you're not!). I usually bring lightweight ones I can easily put inside my bag once I get to the office or wherever the destination is.

#3: Always put your bag in front of you. It can get crowded inside trains and you wouldn't want your bag hitting other people or getting stuck between rails. Of course, your belongings should never leave your sight.

#4: Bring flats! I don't care how well you can walk in high heels. I can run in high heels, but I still don't commute in them. You will only look silly riding the tricycle in your 5-inch heels and trying to balance on a bus. Also, give your feet time to rest first. You have the rest of the day to walk in your heels anyway.
#5: Wear something you can transform and put the accessories on hold. This is actually for those who really, really want to dress up. If you want to wear a dress, wear leggings, bring a jacket, etc. You can take off/change and add on clothes and accessories later on once you reach your destination.

Now that's settled, the next question would be: Why put in so much effort in dressing up when you're only going to the office?

Aside from dressing up being a hobby for me, I find that whenever I make the extra effort to tidy up, I get a good feeling about myself. This does not say that I think of myself any less when I'm not all-out fashyown, but feeling good about how you look adds to your confidence and the way you carry yourself. Try it!

Willow Clothing top | Bread & Butter pants | Chick Flick heels | Tomato watch | Chocolate Clothing bag

Oh, and of course, one last tip: Don't forget to always be alert when commuting! :) Even if you're already very familiar with the place, be attentive to your surroundings. In all situations, safety comes first.

I hope you found the things I shared to be helpful. I'm always looking for new things to talk about on my blog, so if you have other questions or requests, feel free to comment or send an e-mail.


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  1. I totally agree with you. I dress down when commuting, and just change some things when I get there. Great tips!! ;) xxo

  2. Thank you, Myka! It takes extra effort, but it's for your own safety too :)

  3. Ladies, PLEASE DO NOT WEAR HIGH HEELS WHEN COMMUTING. Be considerate naman sa sikip ng tao! Naapakan ako ng takong ng babae sa bus at sa sobrang sakit at inis ko eh tinulak ko siya paalis sa paa ko.

  4. Exactly another reason why one shouldn't wear heels when commuting.


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