Comfy overalls

When I was younger, I remember one of my casual clothing options being overalls - either the dress version or the shorts version. Back th...

When I was younger, I remember one of my casual clothing options being overalls - either the dress version or the shorts version. Back then, I remember owning one denim dress overall complete with the hook + button closure, a regular denim overall, and a yellow overall with some floral prints around the trimming.

Denim overalls seem to have gone away for a while; but, as fashion trends go, it is bound to make a comeback... and a comeback it has made as of recently. I have yet to decide my stand on this trend, but I sure am more approving of this than of rompers. Nothing against rompers, but I'm generally just more inclined to the basic look denim overalls have.

Overalls c/o TOPS | Hat c/o Frontyard

A few weeks ago, I tweeted that I was on the market for vintage denim overalls. I was even trying to make time to visit some thrift stores just to score the legit classic denim overalls; however, I didn't have the time since we were getting ready for the arrival of some relatives from overseas (they're already here, btw). So, when a made a trip to TOPS in Pergola, BF and saw this soft denim (I think chambray) overalls, I knew this will have to appease my want for now.

Generally, I loved wearing this because it was so comfortable. I found it very easy to walk around and get my errands done. The only downside, of course, is when you have to go to the washroom and you have to take off everything. LOL. If you own anything one-piece, then you'd understand what I mean. At least the floral printed ribbon totally makes up for it! Not to mention, my Frontyard Princess Beatrice Hat was the perfect addition to complete this summer dainty casual look.

A (belated) happy mother's day to all the kickass moms out there!! Hope you all had a wonderful day :) You are truly a gift to everyone.

Also, have you gone out to vote yet? Don't forget that every vote counts, so vote wisely! :)


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  1. i sitll dont have a denim overall and i think i should own one. sis you look so nice when you smile!! grabe i miss you! hope i get to see you soon :D

  2. Get it from ukay ukays! Para legit na classic jumper. Haha I wanna get one from there nga eh, kasi parang too "trendy" the ones being sold nowadays :p Thanks sisterrr! I miss you too & we should set up a date :)

  3. Thanks, dear!!

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