blogging comfort zone

Every time someone else besides my dad or his secretary takes my photos for this blog, I feel a bit out of key. You know how you become...

Every time someone else besides my dad or his secretary takes my photos for this blog, I feel a bit out of key. You know how you become used to a couple of things and have your own way of doing things? Yeah, that comfort zone. So if you've been around this area of the web for a while now, chances are you already know this.

On a brighter note, shooting with someone else is also refreshing. And knowing that Angel had a different way of taking photos, I was down for that.

She never tells you when she's taking them, so they turn out more natural even if you try to go more pose-y. Thanks, Angel! Missed you loads!

Seventeen skirt | Primadonna wedges

Still glad for the cooler weather we are having. Nothing like layering up a bit. But since it is still Philippines, getting away with a cropped top with a light-knit cardigan cardigan is always possible. How's the weather on your end of the globe? I've been seeing a lot of winter outfit posts lately! So jealous.



P.S. You can now send REQUESTS through the message form on my sidebar. I really want to get to know my readers/visitors more so I want to serve posts that you like seeing :)

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  1. love the natural pose!! obviously super natatawa ka while taking this!!

    The Bargain Doll

    1. Yeah! I kept asking Angel, "Nagtake ka na ba?!" LOL and after I see she has taken about 50 photos already. None of which I was fully aware :p

  2. love the natural and candid pictures! so fun!:) i love those kinds of otds! hehe love what you did to your hair, twin!

    1. Twin, thank you so much! I'll have a tutorial up in the coming days for the hair if you're interested :) It has been requested, so I hope it all turns out good.

  3. i love your skirt, your blog is just lovely, keep up the good work :)


  4. ah i miss the philippines! too cold to dress up and go out here! i've followed you on GFC~ please visit me and follow back? i think you'll like my fashion/art posts!~

    ||||HEDONIST DRIVE||||

    1. Oh, where do you live now? You must come visit :) But not during the summer because the heat tends to become unbearable haha. Thanks for following x

  5. AHA! People like the candid-ness! We must meet again soon for more. :D

    1. I know! Can't go wrong with photos shot by you then! :P Thank you and yes, indeed, we must! :)

  6. Aww, thank you so much! I have to teach my dad how to take candid photos :P He usually waits for me to get into a pose before taking so candids seem impossible with him. But I'm so glad to know you liked these :)


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