This time, baby, I'll be bullet-proof

Last weekend, I had such a busy Saturday morning as it was one of the most special days for my cousin who was about to get married ( congrat...

Last weekend, I had such a busy Saturday morning as it was one of the most special days for my cousin who was about to get married (congratulations to the newlyweds, Marco and Regz!). I was scheduled for a trip to the parlor in the morning, until I found out my mom had it re-scheduled. So I met up with Ana first to get my gold wire collar from her. In our history of meet-ups, this is probably the accessory I was most excited to get! I loved how Ana really merged her talent with creating wire art accessories and the season's hottest trends. I knew this collar was a perfect match for what I was going to wear to the wedding.

The theme was midnight blue, I think, but I opted to go for white and gold because I didn't really need to be in theme and I wanted something that was fresh to look at. I got positive feedback and even got asked a ton of times where I got my necklace from! :)

Dress: People Are People | Shoes: Zanea (from Landmark) | Gold chain bracelet & Wire collar necklace: Anagon Collection | White & gold watch: Tomato

So sorry about the grainy photos! I was rushing to leave the house and the sun was already setting, so I didn't have the time to properly calibrate Rocky's (my camera) settings.

Oh and if you noticed, I also got a haircut right before the wedding. I know getting a haircut before a major event is a no-no because it might not turn out the way you want it to. But thank god Mr. Ronald of David's Salon cut it just how I wanted him to. Although I was still struggling with my full bangs at this point, prepare to see more of it in action in my coming posts! ;)

♥ Megann

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