DIY: From Shirt to Skirt

And then you stumble upon days when you're really tired of being ' normal '. Thank goodness fashion is all about innovation and ...

And then you stumble upon days when you're really tired of being 'normal'. Thank goodness fashion is all about innovation and DIYs are the easiest way to start pumping your innovating skills. So one morning when I felt like I've worn my skirts way too many times and thought I needed something fresh, I whipped out a crisp floral button-down and spun some fashion magic to turn it into--voila--A SKIRT!

 Tank top: SM Department Store | Floral blouse: mom's | White button-down polo: from Indonesia | Flats: from Greenhills | Bangles: A'postrophe | Necklace: from a random stall in Quezon province

People at work didn't even know it was a top until I told them (a magician should never share his/her secret, but yeah). Well that must mean I did a pretty decent job. And with that, for those of you interested, I’ll try to post a tutorial on how to recreate this skirt using a button-down! It's going to be fun... and new for me! So stay tuned!

♥ Megann

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  1. whatta DIY moment! my DIY are usually to cut shirts =P Love yours!!

  2. wow! love the skirt!

  3. Megan, certainly you could say that this is a skirt! So pretty, right?!

    Well, it is so good to know that you are fluent in english and filipino! Filipino... wow!!!! I really want to learn more english!



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