Featured: Style Surgery is on Smashion!

So from writing a feature on my blog to my blog being featured... I know I’ve been tweeting about receiving great news quite a lot lately...

So from writing a feature on my blog to my blog being featured...

I know I’ve been tweeting about receiving great news quite a lot lately and I guess it’s just always so surprising to me when I receive [any] blog-related email because I never actually thought people would take notice of what I am doing… or at least, what I’m trying to do. And so to everyone who has been so supportive (even those who might be shy to leave a comment to let me know you’ve dropped by, hehe), thank you so much for always coming back to read!

Just to share with you one of the ‘great news’ I’ve received two weeks ago…

Style Surgery is featured in Smashion’s Lounge! This would have to be my first official feature, so I’m really happy! Thank you so much to Vanessa of Smashion for taking notice of my humble place on the web and giving me a voice (and a face) on their website. Please do check it outand maybe share it? Heehee.

Again, thank you so much to everyone who has been reading and commenting endlessly. I never really thought I'd gain anything from this! :) Love you all!

Have a sweet week!!

Megann ♥

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  1. aw, this is always the best to be recognized for your writing. congrats girl!!
    xo TJ


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