That time I booked a last-minute flight to Singapore

Have you ever been in a state in your life where everything seems to happen like clockwork? Get up. Go to work. Come home. Sleep. Repeat...

Have you ever been in a state in your life where everything seems to happen like clockwork? Get up. Go to work. Come home. Sleep. Repeat until Friday. And then the weekend just blurs into one looong day because you sleep your way through from exhaustion. Before you even realize it, you've settled into a routine that's become so toxic you can't even distinguish the things that make you happy from the things you just do because.

No matter how controlled your life may seem, there are still things that could help you break out of that routine--whether to take a breather or to completely change your lifestyle. You just have to recognize them and take them on. That's what I did. And then suddenly, I was on a plane to Singapore.

Four days before my cousin's birthday, she asked if I could fly to Singapore for it (because that's where she lives now). At the time, I felt so down that I said I'd try. And sometimes, when you try, you get results. Come Saturday, at 5 in the early morning, I was at the boarding area waiting for my flight to Singapore! It has been one of the most spontaneous things I have done so far, and I would not ever trade it for anything.

I'm not telling you that it takes booking a flight to get you out of the sad spell, but doing something different from your routine would definitely help a lot. Make sure that it's something you'd enjoy, something you would reward yourself with.

I am back in Manila now, but I'm already looking forward to my birthday trip to Taiwan. It's a bit longer than my Singapore trip so definitely excited! So if any of you guys will be in Taipei around December, then we may just run into each other. ;)

What's the most random thing you have done recently?


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  1. I know what you mean! Even with jobs/work paths you actually like there are times when you need to disconnect even from that :)
    And I agree a routine break from things definitely helps!!!!! <3

    Cj | From Manila with Love Blog


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