Dressing Up For A Cold Office During the Hot Summer

With the past couple of posts I've had on this blog and on Instagram being about travel, I think it's pretty clear that during ...

With the past couple of posts I've had on this blog and on Instagram being about travel, I think it's pretty clear that during this time of the year, adventure is what I crave for. While I'm constantly on the lookout for a chance to escape, summer, I feel, is when it is wanted the most. And, of course, the saddest part is knowing that I've got a return flight and not a one-way ticket. At some point, the adventure has to be put on pause, and I have to be back in the city doing the 9-to-5 (10-to-7, if we want to be accurate). Work, work, work, work, work, asdjgkl. -Rihanna

Back in Manila and the heat hasn't gone away. Summer is here until May, after all. How does one even have the strength to dress up for work? It's funny how our office can get so cold it's almost like we're in the freezer; but, once we step out, we've melted in the scorching sun in less than 5 seconds. Dressing up for a cold office during the hot summer can be challenging. However, I did notice a slight change in my office wardrobe this week.

These days, I have one condition for my work outfits these days: versatile. I need for my outfit to transition well from the freezing cold office to the hot outdoors. This is one of the many outfits I feel I've succeeded in putting together, that lives up to the condition. Plus, it still looks well-put together.

Blazers are great for when you feel like you've got a casual top on--and it doesn't get any more casual than a tube top! LOL. The tapered pants can be both casual and formal, which makes for a great transition piece. Overall, it's an easy outfit to adapt. It only takes taking off or putting on the blazer.

What do you think of this look?


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  1. Love the work outfit style, so sexy and comfy for the very warm weather..^^



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