Here's to feeling better

Taking a break from the tips and how-to posts to act more human and post about feelings . I mean, what are those, right? Lol. Kidding. Le...

Taking a break from the tips and how-to posts to act more human and post about feelings. I mean, what are those, right? Lol. Kidding. Let's get some real emotions brewing up in hurr! You see, first of all, I have this way of awkwardly making jokes when things get too serious. That's simply how I react. But lately, I've really been dealing with things.

Have you ever felt so extremely happy that you actually start to worry once you become aware of it? Like you know something bad is bound to happen some time soon. I had that. Just about two weeks ago, I felt like I was walking on air. Once I became more aware of how happy (finally) I was, I became worried. I've always believed that when you're too happy, something is going to go wrong.

Not to be pessimistic or anything, but I suppose it just makes sense because if things kept going right then there would be no sense in this world. It just bums me out that I have been stuck in this cycle of finding, feeling, and getting left behind. I know you might think I'm speaking gibberish, but this would make complete sense if you knew the story. Of course, while I'd love to be closer with you, my readers, there are just some things that are meant to be told in person... or not at all.

I'm pretty sure, though, that I'm not the only one who has ever gone through a situation like this - to feel like you're on top of the world one day, and then under a rock the next. It simply is how life goes. In the end, it is your decision if you'd like to stay where you are or work on pushing that rock off. It takes some time, but as long as you realize what you have to do, you'll find ways to make it happen.

Here's to feeling better!


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