Indie Band

What's up with the lack of proper blog posts the past week, you might ask? Aside from work piling up, the weather hasn't been all...

What's up with the lack of proper blog posts the past week, you might ask? Aside from work piling up, the weather hasn't been all that photo shoot friendly either. I really prefer shooting in the morning or late in the afternoon when the sun is about to set - you know, golden hour. But it has been raining on and off and I can't seem to catch a good day out. But since I owe this blog an update (and I really miss talking to you guys), I decided to power through and shoot indoor. Hope you still like the photos!

The cold left me wearing pants for most of the week. If you've been around Style Surgery for a while, you'll see that I'm mostly in skirts or dresses. So when Friday came, I just knew I had to put myself in one because I've missed it so much! However, with the weather being unsafe for anything too short, I decided to throw this vintage full midi skirt on top of my favorite striped Forever 21 dress. I'm glad midi skirts are making a comeback because I really find them classy and definitely my style. A great alternative if you want to wear a skirt but aren't comfortable with the short skater skirts.

Striped dress from Forever 21 | Leopard printed scarf from thrift shop

I actually remember wearing this skirt a few times last year and having people ask me what I was wearing. Well look at that. Ha! Lol. But really, though, I'm so glad my mom has excellent taste. This used to be hers when she was around my age and wow does she know how to take care of things! She tells me how sometimes she has matching sets sewn just because they fit better and she gets what she wants. Now I just need to find a good dressmaker, too!

Also part of my rainy season essential is this pair of black boots. I haven't owned one since I was in 7th grade when mom got me a pair to use for my singing recital. On a side note, though, please don't ask me to sing. I really don't.

Black boots from Romwe

Since I got the boots, I've managed to use them almost everyday! It's been especially useful because it keeps my feet dry as I brave the terrible weather while commuting. You might see this pair in more blog posts in the future, so don't be surprised.

Belt from Keysas

I feel like I should be a part of an indie band in this outfit! Haha! What do you think? Also, what are your recent brand new or vintage acquisitions and how are you wearing them this season? :)


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