Hair Problems

I've had the same hairstyle for about a year now and I'm getting tired of it. If you follow me on Twitter, you'd actually s...

I've had the same hairstyle for about a year now and I'm getting tired of it. If you follow me on Twitter, you'd actually see me debating with myself on whether or not to chop it off and go shorter or grow it out. However, it's taking f-o-r-e-v-e-r to grow it out so chopping it off is really heavier on the tipping scale right now.

A lot of people also ask me if I had my hair permed or if I curl it everyday. You'd probably give me an award if I said I curl it everyday - because I do... with a flat iron. If you'd like a tutorial on that, I can take a few photos to show you.

The truth is, my curly hair is totally unruly if I don't use a flat iron to tell it what direction it should take. It's all over the place and it refuses to be tamed otherwise. My hair is such a Miley Cyrus. LOL.

And speaking of Miley, I'd actually really love to get the same haircut (and yes, I'm ready for that change), but I don't think my face shape can handle it. How do I even know for sure? My next choice is Katherine McPhee's short hairstyle as seen here. Also, I've never colored my hair before because all the stylists I've worked with didn't want to, because they said it's already beautiful as black. I'd love a change, but I wouldn't want to get one that suits me. So, any suggestions?

Shapes top | Pink Fashion skirt | Fancy Flats flats | Girlshoppe ring

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