She takes the train to Berlin in her heels

It rained for a full day in Manila some time one or two weeks ago. Did anyone else feel that? It was as if the rain just casually passed us...

It rained for a full day in Manila some time one or two weeks ago. Did anyone else feel that? It was as if the rain just casually passed us by, because on the days before and after, we actually had sunlight and heat teasing us (like my morena skin needs any more of that!). Ah, the uncertainties of living in a tropical country.

Today, like most of the days we get here in the P.I., we get a smiling sun. So I decided to put my iTunes on shuffle and a song called High Heels by UMA played on as I tried to manage into something presentable whilst charging the heat of the day. Later on, I would find myself almost fit for an episode of Hoarders after seeing what mess I've created on top of my bed--that is, if you could still see my bed at this point.

The unfamiliar song did, however, lead me to the goodness of today's outfit. An evening dress made daytime appropriate with a beautifully hand crafted cobweb necklace from Simone's Closet. I wanted to challenge its carefree-looking layers and colors by incorporating it in a more dressed-up ensemble. I think it worked nicely!

What amazes me about today's shoot is the fact that I've managed to walk more than 5 steps on uneven pavement, in these 6-inch babes from Chick Flick Collection. Not only did I manage to be my tallest (so far), the shoes have created the illusion that I have legs for days. Honestly, any pair that could do that for me, I'll definitely try on for at least a day... or just 30 minutes.

And just in case you're wondering, I stand at 5'5" when my heels touch the ground ;)

Find 'n Flaunt dress | Simone's Closet cobweb necklace | Tomato watch | House Of Luxe ring | Chick Flick heels
It's insane that it's already March! Blame it on February for only having 28 days and making the year go by even faster. Haha. So far, my month kicked off to a good start :) Hope yours did too!


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  1. You look absolutely stunning , loving that necklace .

    xo Meg<3

    Meghan Silva's Blog

    1. Thanks, Meg! It was a challenge to style the necklace, but I knew I had to work it ;)

  2. Replies
    1. Taru, you don't know how much I love your blog! Thank you for your comment :)

  3. Beautiful dress and shoes! You look gorgeous. Lovely blog you have here. I'm your newest follower :) Would you mind checking out our blog & following back via GFC and Bloglovin'? Looking forward to your next post! xx

  4. y o u k n o c k m e o u t !

    1. Ah, I hope that's a good thing? :P LOL thank you.


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