Take 1

I have here a look that I initially  wanted to wear to work last Friday. It's loose and casual; absolutely fuss-free. The weather rea...

I have here a look that I initially wanted to wear to work last Friday. It's loose and casual; absolutely fuss-free. The weather really affected how I wanted to dress. I was going for everything comfy! Loose shirt, loose skirt, and Converse -- yep, that should do the trick, I thought.

vintage top; random skirt; Tomato bangles; Anagon Collection necklace and cross ring; House Of Luxe owl ring

But then while we were taking photos in the morning, random strong winds brushed by. My skirt was kind of flowy and was easily taken by the wind. So, in fear of having a wardrobe malfunction, I changed into something more... safe. But more on the "safe" outfit in a separate post.

Today, I woke up to another rainy morning but I'm glad it has died down--maybe just for now. But I do hope it doesn't get any worse anymore. I'm off to Town today. Tweet meStay dry!

♥ Megann

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  1. I love wearing skirts and chucks! Love what you did with your hair too. Mine's so dry and frizzy na.

    1. Thank you! My hair is too, that's why I put it up because I don't want to be bothered with having it all over the place esp with the wind we have right now.

  2. I love how you did your hair! Lovely outfit :)

  3. great outfit

    do u want follow each other?



  4. Super cute, I love your hair!



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