These moments

Photo by Jacob Gayanelo I've always found dancing to be something I'm passionate about. It's my high , my hold on sanity....

Photo by Jacob Gayanelo

I've always found dancing to be something I'm passionate about. It's my high, my hold on sanity. Admittedly, I am not one of the best dancers, but there has always been something about dancing that made me feel alive. Every move, every stride, and every count. It has been a year or two since I last danced, since I last seriously performed. It's that other thing I turn to when my words don't come easy. You may all know by now that I love to write. But sometimes, there's just something about movement that makes me feel free. And for a good 2 minutes or so, I am both in my comfort zone and out of it--if that makes sense. It's my reality made 10x better.

We all have our own ways of escaping. The problem is, sometimes, we get too caught up in this fast-paced city life that each day just passes you by and when you get that rare chance to sit down and think, you wonder, "What happened?". You realize all these things you had to let go of or put aside, and you feel lost. What to do? Where to go? Then, there's this sense of hopelessness. We all get these moments.

Could this be what they call quarter life crisis? Really? 
I would hate to think so, because I feel like I'm just looking for something to blame these moments on.

♥ Megann

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  1. i agree with you, dancing is one of my passion. i dance every night to keep fit!

    It’s a GIRL Thing


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