Come fly with me

Hello style surgeons! ;)  If you're following me on Twitter, chances are you've seen how crazy my timeline is. I know I've been ...

Hello style surgeons! ;) If you're following me on Twitter, chances are you've seen how crazy my timeline is. I know I've been sounding so sick in my tweets, but at this point I'm just really thankful to be getting the medical attention that I need.  It has been such a struggle to take care of myself since I got home, keeping track of the meds I need to take and the rest I need to have. I won't go into the details anymore of what happened, but all I can say is I'm hoping for the best and that the healing process will be quicker than expected.

Enough about that. I just wanted to quickly update my blog once again, working obviously on backlogs since I haven't been well enough to take more recent photos. If you've ever wondered if I wore sneakers, yes I do. I remember getting a question on Formspring about that. This is just something casual I wore to a chill day in Alabang Town Center with my blogger loves, Angel and Jacob, a couple of Saturdays back.

F-Stop top; random DIY shorts; Advan sneakers; YRYS belt

Cool, casual, and colorful. Perfectly suited for a post-Friday night out outfit. You know how you wake up after a night of partying it up and you just want to wear something relaxed? This is totally it.

Necklace from St. James Bazaar; Simone's Closet purple braided bracelet; Tomato green watch

What do you think about the photos? I know some of them look funny because we were trying to get the full effect for the mullet top so I had to keep jumping and moving. Jacob was very patient and helpful when he took the photos and told me how to move!

How do you like to spend your day-after-a-night-out? :)
Will try to update again when I can/when I'm better. For the mean time, follow me on Twitter! I'll be back in the hospital tomorrow for some results and some other tests. Stay healthy, everyone!
♥ Megann

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  1. I love those colours together- So pretty! These photos are so cute too. You look like you're having a really fun time.

    I hope you feel better soon. I'm thinking of you!


  2. love the semi jump shots and the color of your outfit, twin! freshy!

  3. girl! love the flying photos! :) jacob took the photos? galining naman. I miss you and your smiling face (PS you do look pretty when you smile!!) :D

    Get better soon :)
    OASAP and FIRMOO giveaways on The Bargain Doll! :)

    1. Yup, Jacob took everything :) Thanks sister! Love you :)

  4. hi, megann! you have a lovely blog and a great sense of style. i enjoyed reading your posts, and love the true-life photos and your style. you have a new follower on google, and i would be honored if you connect with me, too! cheers from usa!


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