Dressed down clown

Okay, I'm sorry, but this matchy-matchy outfit was bound to happen! The first time I got this top from Chick Flick , I knew it would ...

Okay, I'm sorry, but this matchy-matchy outfit was bound to happen! The first time I got this top from Chick Flick, I knew it would just go so well with my used up bodycon skirt from Anti-Fashion Manila. I've been putting it off for a while now because I did find it too matchy-matchy. But then, one time, I wasn't really in the mood to think of an outfit and I suppose my tired body was not up for the challenge of trying on clothes... and this look just called to me.

Chick Flick top; Anti-Fashion Manila skirt; Fancy Flats shoes
Band aids are a fashion statement. Hah! Not really. I'm just clumsy. 

The big polka dots just reminded me of a clown's outfit. You know, because they usually have those big polka dots too!

The sad part for this day was finding out that my black framed glasses got broken and I don't even know how that happened. So now I'm a sad little clown (haha). I loved those glasses. Buy me one? :(

Tomato black bangle & watch; BCBGMAXAZRIA zodiac bracelet; Mauve square bangle; Chic Accents ring

I suppose you can say I'm more dressed down this day. And I will continue to be, in a few more posts that'll come the next few days. I'm just feeling a bit tired lately and my mind just refuses to respond every time I'm faced with the question of what to wear?

What do you think of this simple look? :)

Hope you're all having a good Wednesday! I'm off to the Absolut party tonight. See you there? :)
♥ Megann

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  1. Really love it when you smile in your photos!! :) Ganda babe. Haha super bet ko your bow flats. AHHHH ♥ Miss you!


  2. i looove your top Megann plus the shoes! :)


  3. best photo post-processing everr! looking forward to meeting you na talaga this june babe. oh and me likey the top!



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