Cool Tones

When you wake up to a really humid morning, just throw on some cool colors and hope that it helps you pull through and last the entire da...

When you wake up to a really humid morning, just throw on some cool colors and hope that it helps you pull through and last the entire day.

This top from Soul Sister Clothing's newest summer collection was the perfect match to my ever eye-catching green pants! It just screams of youth and summer and all things fresh! I'm so glad they worked together so well. This, by far, has got to be my most step-out-of-my-comfort-zone look! :) What do you think?

I had to balance out the look using darker accents such as this beautiful blue bag and some black accessories. Although, I have really been skipping on piling accessories this season because it just seems too much to go through especially with the weather we're having. So as much as possible, I just try to make the actual clothing pieces I use striking/bold enough to stand on their own.

Anagon Collection elephant necklace; Tomato bangles set, silver watch; BCBGMAXAZRIA zodiac sign beaded bracelet

This outfit was so perfect for work that day (yes, I wore this to work!) because I had some last-minute changes in my schedule, which then resulted to me travelling back and forth, Mandaluyong and Makati. Comfort and safety over style--but sometimes you don't even have to compromise style anymore when you know which pieces to work with, I believe.

Soul Sister Clothing top; Charles & Keith shoes; Michaela bag

Hope you're all doing well this season. Drink lots of water!
Happy Labor Day! :)
♥ Megann

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  1. I love your hair and outfit! The pants are awesome just as the shoes and shirt :)

    xoxo The Pretty Faces

  2. your hair is lovely! :)
    love the cute top :)

    1. Thanks Claudine! You can purchase one too. It's available in yellow and pink as well - :)

  3. I love this! The colors do look refreshing together =)

  4. YOUR HAIR!!!! ♥ I just love everything here - the colors of your outfit, your elephant necklace, shoes.. okay. :| :)) Haha definitely gorgeous!



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