Bling It On

It's ironic how sometimes I like my outfit better on days when I woke up late rather than when I woke up early (and had that extra coup...

It's ironic how sometimes I like my outfit better on days when I woke up late rather than when I woke up early (and had that extra couple of minutes to think about what to wear). Seriously. I've had about three outfits worn that I liked the past week but wasn't able to take photos of because I didn't have time for that anymore. Hmm, maybe that extra couple of minutes asleep helped my mind to function creatively better. And, well, as for those unshot outfits, I'll probably remake them and take photos just because. Hah!

For now, here's an outfit I wore to a busy work day! I opted for something comfy because I had an event right after so I had to change.

Thesa orange button-down blouse; Celine black pants; Charles & Keith heels
Bubbles fringe necklace; Freeway layered chains necklace

Here's a little tidbit you might not know about me: I'm actually conscious about my teeth! I find it big. I want to be one of those people who can pull off smiling without showing my teeth. Just for fun, hehe. I do it in some photos, and no one took notice, so I guess I'm clear? 

Tomato bangles set; from Mar (Not Your Ordinary Beauty Queen) ring

Have a lovely weekend, everyone! My relatives are coming over tomorrow so I'm really excited about that! :D

Megann ♥

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  1. Gorgeous flowy top!:) And, i don't think your teeth is big? hindi kaya!! Smile!!:)

  2. This outfit is so classy! :D I definitely dig your blings.. ;) Btw, maybe rushing in picking what clothes to wear induces adrenaline? XD

    1. Thanks Sumi! ;) Good point. Hahaha but the being pressed for time is strssful :))


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