Hear ye! Hair ye!

I'm always so overwhelmed when I get comments on a post. And with my last post reaching around 10 comments, that already comes as a shoc...

I'm always so overwhelmed when I get comments on a post. And with my last post reaching around 10 comments, that already comes as a shock to me! So I'm very, very thankful that people take time to read/browse through what I write on this here blog. :) I hope you guys never get tired! I try my best to visit back and leave a comment or two, too. :) So from the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the sweet words!

Anyway, on to a topic rarely discussed on my blog: HAIR! Like the title? Heehee

Have you girls experienced getting your hair cut shorter than usual and it was fine then--completely fine; more like AWESOME. But after a while, you decide you want to grow your hair again, so you skip getting more than an inch of hair cut off. And your hair grows, and it reaches this awkward stage where it's not short enough but it's not long enough either.

And you just don't know what to do.

What are your hair routines for controlling your hair especially during this "stage"?

Yep, that's my hair awkwardly saying hi. By the way, that monkey's name is Happy. Monkeys and pandas are my faves! ;) Hope you're all having a great hair day!

Hairtastically yours,
Megann ♥

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  1. Hey Megann!
    Thanks for supporting us in BU! I would really like to thank you for all your help lalo na in our poster. You saved us really! :) *HUG*

    Melai of Style and Soul

  2. I love pandas! :) They're actually my fave animal.. ^^ Btw, love your photos and I don't think your hair is at an awkward stage. You hair's length now is my go-to/default hair length. Haha. But when I feel that my hair is both not so short or not long enough, I just put it in a messy bun.. :)

  3. @ Mohamad Kamil: Will do when I have time! :)

    @ Melai: No problem. Congrats again and thanks for the opportunity to help the BU team! :) Feeling ko baby ko na rin yun. Well, pamangkin since di naman ako nag-organize. HAHAHA! :)

    @ Sumi: Me too!! They're so cute noh? :) Haha I love them. I have so much stuffed toy pandas. Well, this stage is awkward for my hair 'cos I have thick/coarse hair so it gets all wild when it's at this length. Hoping it'll grow faster though! :p Hehe! Messy buns are also my hair-saver for bad hair days. :p


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