What's one thing people would be surprised to know about me?

When someone who knows me as a "fashion blogger" asks me what's one thing people would be surprised to know about me, I always...

When someone who knows me as a "fashion blogger" asks me what's one thing people would be surprised to know about me, I always answer with, "I'm a paddler for the DLSU Dragonboat team." And more often than not, I would get looks of shock or "Are you serious???" I guess dressing up the way I do and blogging about fashion among other girly things don't really make me appear to be the "type" to join such an intense sport. But I did, and I am... a paddler.

Now for those of you curious enough, the DLSU Dragonboat team is currently holding their recruitment week. Students from DLSU and CSB are highly encouraged to join! :)

And just to get you more convinced and excited about it, let me just give you a few fun reasons why you should join:

1. Be a part of something bigger than yourself.

2. Meet true friends.

3. Be physically fit and get to wear super angas rash guards. SWAG.

4. Meet awesome sports buffs/celebrities like Marc Nelson (hot!!!)... and maybe even be recognized?

5. Surprise people! It really is priceless to see the looks on people's faces when they see me go from...

Princess to paddler? Hahaha!

So there you have it. Just a few of the reasons why you should join the DLSU Dragonboat team! :) Of course there's more... but you'll just have to find those out for yourself. ;) SO GO AND JOIN! No experience needed. I honestly didn't know how to row at first. The officers are friendly and they make sure each member of the team is given the right attention so that he/she will learn the techniques of the sport.

If you have any questions, feel free to comment. Or maybe share a sport you love to play as well? :)

I actually miss rowing. I can't describe how much it changed my life. CHEESE! :p

For those interested, the sign-up booth is located in Miguel Walk.
You can also text Loye Clamor (09175773176) for more information.

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  1. Wow, a paddler and a fashion blogger? You're so cool girl! :)


  2. Tough chic! Love it! :)


  3. @ France: I'd like to think that! :p Thanks!

  4. hey. i just want the rashguard. alumni here. where do you think can i get one?

    1. Hi! You can probably get in touch with the current offers :) They manage the Facebook page here: http://www.facebook.com/dlsu.dragonboat so you can send a message through there. I'm not with the team now so I can't give you a specific contact but I hope this helps :)


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