On blogger friends, outfit post, & a GIVEAWAY

I already talked about the two events I was invited to yesterday--FreewayxManansala Launch and Multiply Shopping Party. If you think rushin...

I already talked about the two events I was invited to yesterday--FreewayxManansala Launch and Multiply Shopping Party. If you think rushing to two events was already a hassle, let me tell you that's apparently nothing since I found out that there were about six events that happened yesterday! Ah-mazing!

I met a lot of new bloggers, especially during Freeway's event because I arrived there before the show started. It was super crazy because there were bloggers everywhere and I was trying to remember all of their names! I am so bad with names, I swear!

Ana (first photo) and Ava (second) are probably my first two [big/sikat] blogger friends. I met Ana through her online shop, Anagon Collection, and didn't know she had a blog! ...or maybe that came afterwards? But anyway, I had my first online purchase from her store. I guess you can say she somehow influenced my obsession with rings now. ;) Heehee. Ava, I met back in high school. We went to different schools, but we had a few common friends. Found out we had a lot in common (besides our friends), and we've been close since then! It's so great that I finally get to be with them during events like these.

And this gorgeous friend stealer (haha I'm kidding ;p) right here, Keigh, I met through Ava during her debut I think. Love what she wore! She looked classy and chic as always! ;)

Sat beside Pepang during the fashion show. It was great to meet you! How sweet of you to remember me through my Twitter name. <3

As for the outfit, for some reason, I went extra casual on this day. I grabbed a button-down polo and my trusty denim jeans, and hoped that my accessories and shoes were enough to save this laze-infused outfit.

 { Top - Ensembles; Jeans - Her/Bench; Bag - Michaela; Shoes - Charles & Keith }

I know, I know... I'm wearing these shoes again! I couldn't resist the comfort and edge. Plus, it's not a crime to repeat y'know ;) Just learn to mix and match.

 { Accessories - A'postrophe, Anagon Collection & Coco Girl }

 Thank you so much to Ana and Maita for taking photos of my outfit! :)

Hope you all have a good week! Don't forget to join my giveaway. Just click the image below! :)

The Global Pinoy Bazaar is happening on Nov. 5 & 6 at the Rockwell Tent, Makati. See different Filipino brands showcase their talents through their pieces! Suportahan ang produktong Pinoy!
I'm giving away passes to 10 people, so join now! Hurry! :)
You can also join in behalf of your friend/mom/someone you know who wants to go! Just indicate it.

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  1. aww, twin! na touch naman ako dito! pero ano kabey! hindi ako sikat!:))

    Love your outfit that night! corporate chic! heee :)

  2. Nice outifit! love the accessories :)



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