Sheer Sunny Thursday

I had the chance to catch up with a former "roommate" this week. I say roommate with the quotation marks because she technically ...

I had the chance to catch up with a former "roommate" this week. I say roommate with the quotation marks because she technically wasn't my roommate, but practically lived in our unit before for most of the days of the week. No complains.

Rijii accompanied me to Bonifacio High Street where I got my PFW invites for the show this Sunday. We first had lunch at Sbarro in Market! Market! It actually took us longer than expected to find a restaurant we'll settle with because we couldn't find anything that seemed to mentally satisfy our taste buds.

I had my usual half serving of Baked Ziti and pizza. My pizza flavor of choice for the day was Spinach with Mushroom with extra cheese. You see, almost anything with mushroom seems appealing to me, so I decided to go with it.

The Baked Ziti actually tasted a little bit bland; like it was missing that extra kick of “mmmm” after taking a bite. But the garlic bread made up for the lack of flavor. The pizza, on the other hand, was enjoyed more. The mushrooms did not disappoint, definitely. And well, I felt just like Popeye… sans the bulging arms. The extra cheese I had added on also made the pizza taste even better! With just a sprinkle of their crushed pepper, it was perfect.

 After lunch, I got the invites and then we killed an hour in Hobbes & Landes looking at the fancy toys. I was actually pretty into this one puzzle with trains, where you have to move the pieces around to set the red train free. It's kind of like the picture puzzle, only that your goal is to make room for a certain train to move out. I like those logic games... it makes killing time more worthwhile (for me, at least).

While inside, we also decided to get frozen yogurt from Yoh-gurt Froz. I had my original yogurt with peaches, white chocolate and cheesecake. The yogurt itself was sweeter compared to the ones I've tasted in the past; but I actually like yogurt to be it's usual sour self. It was still tasty though. I especially loved the cheesecake! I even told Rijii that I should've probably just had cheesecake on mine, ha ha!

It was a really hot afternoon and I'm glad I decided to wear something light-weight and easy to move around in. Even Rijii was getting in on outfit pictures... COPYCAT! Kidding! LOL love you Rijii.


I'm so glad I had this afternoon to spend with Rijii. Too bad my former roommie wasn't with us. :( It would have been more fun. Naz, you have to be there next time, okay?

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  1. Awww. I miss na lalo ulit. Thanks for the invite Meggy!! I really had fun! Next time kasama na si Naz. :>

  2. im craving for pasta after reading this post!


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