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I'm on a hell month which explains the lack of updates. But once I'm finished with this term, hopefully I'll be able to post mor...

I'm on a hell month which explains the lack of updates. But once I'm finished with this term, hopefully I'll be able to post more often. I do have some news I will be sharing, so stick around for that one. For the mean time, here are just some outtakes from the television drama (teleserye) we're working on right now, which I co-wrote with Sam. I'm really excited to see the finished product! Hope this saves us.

Shooting day 3: Doubled as a camera(wo)man -- at the leftmost ;p

With the head of the production design, AJ.

Shooting day 3: With cameraman Brian and Maita from the prod design team

Collaborating with the directors and exec producer :)

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  1. i think i met AJ before when he went to my house? haha am i right??

  2. wow your course looks interesting. :)

  3. @ Ava: Yup, that's him! Haha.
    @ Paola: It is! Very! :) Just takes a lot of hard work.


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