Almost Sunrise

It's 3:30 in the morning and it's been three days since I have been working on our organization's plans for this coming school y...

It's 3:30 in the morning and it's been three days since I have been working on our organization's plans for this coming school year. You see, I mentioned before that I had just accepted the position of president and one the many things I've busied myself this summer with as just that is making the GOSM (among many other documents). I can't believe I just went through compiling, sorting out, managing dates, and tallying 35 pages worth of activity plans!

I have to admit, I do have my moments when I would wish that I had just not taken the position... or was at least given a less demanding position. But then, I'm easing into the whole idea slowly--but surely. It might take a while--might even take the whole school-year,--but it's a process and I guess you just learn to like it along the way. It just feels rewarding to see the plans we have for this year and how much ideas are just on the plate. Now, to bite just enough for us to chew.

Aside from the documents, I'm actually attending a 4-day leadership seminar in a while. I know, I know... I'm going to get some sleep first! Just thought I'd update this before I do. Registration is at 8:30 AM, so I'll wake up I guess around 7-ish (hoping that I would--AND I SHOULD). Haha!

Aside from Writers' Guild stuff, I'll also be attending a YFC camp next week, and possibly doing business with friend since third year high school (though from different schools ;p) and twin, Ava.

Yeah, that's all the work I can squeeze in for my summer, with Writers' Guild stuff and all. I'd love to just be taken away, though... by some impromptu plan. Yeah, that would be nice. Well I hope everyone's enjoying vacation!

Be back in four days! xo
For now, leave me questions on my Formspring ( click the link or use the question box at the left panel) and follow me on Twitter!

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  1. Congratulations for being a president! Well, Its really rewarding to be in that position :) Go Megan! You can do it! Haha!

  2. good luck on being president, twin!:) i'm very sure you'll be a great leader!


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