Welcoming and Surprises

Frosh Welcoming 2010 officially starts tomorrow! It's a freshmen orientation/welcoming program which, well, welcomes  incoming freshmen ...

Frosh Welcoming 2010 officially starts tomorrow! It's a freshmen orientation/welcoming program which, well, welcomes incoming freshmen to the University. I've been a part of the event last year, and will once again take part this year (still representing Writers' Guild, of course). Starting tomorrow, I'll be going room-to-room with fellow Council of Student Organizations (CSO) leaders to do a short campaigning -- this wouldn't be the first time I've done this, but I still hope I won't mess anything up. Also, having been exposed to all of this, I'm starting to feel like I like talking in front and whatnot. Hmm, interesting.

Among the many activities prepared for the incoming batch of "froshies" -- as we would call the freshmen students of the Univeristy -- is a booth tour exhibiting all the student organizations present in school. It's a chance for them to see the range of activities they can involve themselves with once they officially start school. In line with this, we've had two days of props-making for the booth. We're not quite finished yet, but we should be done on Tuesday as it is the first day of the booth tour.

I'll try to take pictures of the actual booth come booth tour day.

After last Saturday's props-making, I was supposed to rush to the Covenant Orientation but didn't make it in time. It was really traffic (even on the skyway), so I missed the orientation. And since I had nowhere else to be, my brother, his girlfriend and I went to eat at Recipes! Mmmm, General's Chicken is the best!

The food at Recipes, as usual, did not let us down. It satisfied our craving and filled our stomachs. If you haven't eaten there, I suggest you do and try the General's Chicken and Gising-gising! I swear... I'm craving for more just thinking about it! Yummy food, indeed.

After which, it just so happened there was this Star Magic thing going on... and it has been a mystery to us if my brother really does look like John Lloyd, so for fun, we checked it out for a bit at the activity center. Lo and behold, HE DOES. Funny shiz! And can I just say, I think I went deaf from all of the screaming fans. O_O

My two (out of three) brothers. The one to my right (your left) is the one I'm referring to. He's like a darker version of the actor, haha!

After all the commotion, we dropped by Dairy Queen for a quick grab of their Blizzard and then left for home.

So what adventures have you guys gotten into?

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